Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Emperical and Experiential


Blackholes and wormholes…
Time travel and quantum teleportation…

A dull evening with nothing much to do
triggered off a discussion
and arguments followed;
Ego levels raised,
Ignorance levels displayed.

Intellectual masturbation
craving for spiritual satiation
through emotional outbursts.

Brilliance in combat with insight
while insight went abegging for proofs.

Scientific arguments strayed
into poetic ramblings;
Theoretical possibilities packed into equations
with multitudes of unknown variables
criss-crossed their path with
experiential absolutes
wrapped into personal realities
stretching beyond the framework of
mathematical models and verbal expressions
and all plausible intellectual expositions.

The empirically verifiable and the experientially cognizable need not mutually supplement each other but perhaps could add up to a new dimension opening up new perspectives towards a more meaningful existence.

A smile just seen could give
an explanation of the mechanism
of muscles stretching the lips;
while the smile understood
could be the very pathway
into the other’s psyche or
it could even be the very pathway
to freedom from the known.

The Buddha smiled thus once,
and many more Buddhas laughed;
the secret of the golden flower
is in every bud abloom.

We walked together…
the interludes of silence
stabilized the mounting heartbeats.

A poem to surmise
and a few reasons to summarize
signing a silent pact
of not having to lose
as long as the other does not want to win.

We parted our ways
Learning yet another lesson
of arguments often turning into
after-convincing reckonings.

What an evening!...
I just cannot wait
to embrace what tomorrow
brings along.


Blogger Nero said...

Nice photograph ; complements the essence of the topic. Is this is a multiple exposure?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What you say is true
Past is gone, no point brooding.
Lest not miss the journey of Life
Enjoining the wayside river
Its all so fast and comes and goes
like the small word describing itself
Perhaps thatz why the Masters say
Enjoy Living!

I could not still guess what you meant by your words. For... the courses change, dishes vary and the taste is totally different as i eat this multicourse meal of yours. Plow on...and thanks for making the distance shorter.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Few Reflections...

"Ego levels raised,
Ignorance levels displayed;

Intellectual masturbation
craving for spiritual satiation
through emotional outbursts."

When we despise their intellectual masturbation, are we truly reminded of our intellectual impotency?

"While insight went abegging for proofs."

Was it really the insight that went abegging for proofs? Does true insight have to beg for proofs?

"A smile just seen could give
an explanation of the mechanism
of muscles stretching the lips;
while the smile understood
could be the very pathway
into the other’s psyche or
it could even be the very pathway
to freedom from the known."

Beautiful... But do we have to really limit the scope of that 'explanation'? Who knows perhaps, science may embrace the spirit and physical, the metaphysical someday, in quest for an even more deeper understanding of the truth?

Sunday, June 12, 2005  

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